Hello Out There
Hello again! It's been a while since I blogged consistently...Well let me be honest, in that consistency has never been a quality of my blog, lol. I mean, I don't know why, I have nothing else to do...(insert eye roll lol) Any who... except for a few post here and there, I have taken a break since being home with Cai. And honestly it was not only because of time, but also because I didn't know where to start. Our journey of adoption has been so amazing, and sometimes hard, in surprising ways. And it has been a super emotional experience for me. And I would not consider myself a super emotional person.
So now that the plan has been laid out, I want to leave you with a challenge. A challenge that I have been personally convicted with for a while now.
That being said, over the summer we have seen some wonderful changes and growth in Cai. He is saying more than 25 words, is running and climbing on everything, frequently shares food with the dog, as well as partaking in all the other crazy toddler antics. His nickname at the moment is "Cai-nado". That should help paint the picture of life right now! And you know what? I am loving it. Well, I'm not so fond of the screaming he currently utilizes to communicate when the words aren't available... But tomato, tomahto. lol! It has been so exciting to watch him grow and learn. To build strong relationships with his siblings. To be so curious about the world around him. And he always comes back to mom as his safe base, which is a good mom feeling. It is a circus at the Teat household for sure, but it's my circus!
So now that you've gotten an adoption update, I want to update you on the future of this blog. While adoption is a never-ending journey, like everything else in life, I don't want that to continue being the sole focus of this blog. I am going to start writing about life in general as a mom, pastor's wife, Christian. And maybe even throw in some fun decorating ideas from time to time, because if you know me, you know I love some farmhouse eclectic style...well, who doesn't these days?
So now that the plan has been laid out, I want to leave you with a challenge. A challenge that I have been personally convicted with for a while now.
What are you doing? And I don't want the typical list of work, kids, ball practice, yada yada yada... Now I'm not saying those aren't good and important things. They are on my list too. But what I'm asking is, do you ever wonder if there is more? Are you getting too comfortable in your day to day? Are you taking any risks? May I gently, but firmly remind you that Christianity should be risky. As a Christian we are to spend ourselves: "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." (Romans 1:12) Does that sound comfortable? NO! Sacrifice sucks! But what doesn't suck is seeing the rewards of sacrificing for Christ. Loving on others, bearing burdens, giving sacrificially, serving with your kids. Life is hard. Living a life given over to Christ is challenging. But oh the joy it brings! So what are you doing? Are you stepping out of your comfort zone to spread the gospel to the hurting? Are you using your blessings to bless others, or are you letting it pile up on yourself and your family? Are you making sacrifices of finances, time, and effort, to make a difference and advance the kingdom? Let's go people! I personally am tired of sitting around. I want more! I want to do more! I want to see the Lord do amazing things. And its not going to happen if I stay in my comfort zone. It's time to step out and use our voice, blessings, gifts, and influence to serve our Lord and love others!
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