Book List #1 Social Justice
Something I have been challenged to do is read books that may stretch and challenge my thinking. I have started intentionally reading authors that I might not otherwise try, and honestly it has been an enjoyable change of pace. This list includes books that are related to social justice issues revolving around race. Each one addresses a different aspect from a different point of view.
Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
- If you are new to the social justice reading world, in particular to racism, then this book is going to be a hard one. This book was very much a wake up call for me. Just Mercy is the account of attorney Bryan Stevenson as he builds his career defending many African Americans in the south that have been wrongfully accused and ill-treated by the judicial system. It is very humbling and honestly, appalling to read through true accounts of things that have happened in recent years in places I know, including a story from the city I grew up in. If you've been paying attention, you've noticed this book has been made into a film that is currently out in theatres. (I can't wait to see it!)
White Picket Fences by Amy Julia Becker
- In this book, Amy shares her own personal story of awakening to racism and the role white privilege plays. She actually touches on privilege as a whole sharing trials she and her daughter (who has Down Syndrome) have faced. Her viewpoint does come from an extreme example of living a privileged life which some may have difficulty relating to.
United by Trillia Newbell
- I really enjoyed this book. It was a quick and easy read, and a great book to start with when reading on diversity and racial unity. Trillia does a fantastic job of walking you through what true racial unity should look like in the Church and things we can all do to make it a reality.
Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
- If you are new to the social justice reading world, in particular to racism, then this book is going to be a hard one. This book was very much a wake up call for me. Just Mercy is the account of attorney Bryan Stevenson as he builds his career defending many African Americans in the south that have been wrongfully accused and ill-treated by the judicial system. It is very humbling and honestly, appalling to read through true accounts of things that have happened in recent years in places I know, including a story from the city I grew up in. If you've been paying attention, you've noticed this book has been made into a film that is currently out in theatres. (I can't wait to see it!)
White Picket Fences by Amy Julia Becker
- In this book, Amy shares her own personal story of awakening to racism and the role white privilege plays. She actually touches on privilege as a whole sharing trials she and her daughter (who has Down Syndrome) have faced. Her viewpoint does come from an extreme example of living a privileged life which some may have difficulty relating to.
United by Trillia Newbell
- I really enjoyed this book. It was a quick and easy read, and a great book to start with when reading on diversity and racial unity. Trillia does a fantastic job of walking you through what true racial unity should look like in the Church and things we can all do to make it a reality.
Happy Reading!
But you will receive power when the
Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will
be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all
Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
Acts 1:8
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