Three Lessons I've Learned from the Garden
I have always enjoyed working in the yard, specifically in my flower beds. Now, don't get me wrong...I am not a green thumb. I stay away from anything that needs a lot of attention. I do however enjoy trimming my knock out roses and pulling weeds. There is something therapeutic about it. I always find myself thinking and reflecting over things while I work. So without further ado, here are three lessons I've learned from the garden. 1) Pull the Weeds When you're pulling weeds, it is very important to get the root. If you don't then it will eventually grow back. It's much easier to just break the stem off so you can't see the weed anymore. It makes it look like there are no weeds and that you have a beautiful garden. However, in reality there are many roots just waiting for the opportunity to sprout again. So how does this apply to our spiritual lives? Jesus got all over the Pharisees about only cleaning the outside of their cup and dish and leaving the insid...